Module jswebsockets


StatusCode = enum
  scNormal = 1000, scGoingAway = 1001, scProtocolError = 1002, scUnsupported = 1003,
  scReserved = 1004, scNoStatus = 1005, scAbnormal = 1006, scUnsupportedData = 1007,
  scPolicyViolation = 1008, scTooLarge = 1009, scMissingExt = 1010,
  scInternalError = 1011, scRestart = 1012, scTryAgainLater = 1013, scReserved2 = 1014,
  scTLSHandshake = 1015
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MessageEvent = object of Event
  data*: cstring
  origin*: cstring
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CloseEvent = object of Event
  code*: Natural
  reason*: cstring
  wasClean*: bool
To learn more, see here:   Source Edit
ReadyState = enum
  Connecting = 0, Open = 1, Closing = 2, Closed = 3
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WebSocket = ref object of EventTarget
  url*: cstring
  protocol*: cstring
  readyState*: ReadyState
  onopen*: proc (event: Event)
  onclose*: proc (event: CloseEvent)
  onmessage*: proc (event: MessageEvent)
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proc openws(url: cstring): WebSocket {.
importcpp: "new WebSocket(#)", deprecated
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proc openws(url: string; protocols: seq[string]): WebSocket {.
importcpp: "new WebSocket(#,@)", deprecated
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proc newWebSocket(url: cstring): WebSocket {.
importcpp: "new WebSocket(#)"
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proc newWebSocket(url: cstring; protocol: cstring): WebSocket {.
importcpp: "new WebSocket(#,@)"
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proc newWebSocket(url: cstring; protocols: seq[cstring]): WebSocket {.
importcpp: "new WebSocket(#,@)"
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proc addEventListener[](et: EventTarget; ev: cstring;
                       cb: proc (ev: MessageEvent | CloseEvent))
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proc send(socket: WebSocket; data: cstring)
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proc close(socket: WebSocket)
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proc close[](socket: WebSocket; code: StatusCode | Natural)
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proc close[](socket: WebSocket; code: StatusCode | Natural; reason: cstring)
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